Welcome Alumni! Thank you for your Support!

At the Riekes Center, many past students, teachers and associates come back to support the legacy of the place.

One of the many ways alumni can support the Riekes Center is through Volunteering and Mentorship activities. This could include:

  • Speeches and Events such as Life Lessons Through Sports

  • Staff Training and Mentorship

  • Assistance in Marketing and developing new beneficial Connections

  • Donating Equipment - for example, film cameras and musical instruments for Creative Arts or new sports equipment for Athletic Fitness

Your tax-deductible donation helps us provide everyone the opportunity to pursue their goals in athletic fitness, creative arts, nature awareness, and service to our community regardless of their ability to pay or perform.

  • Mail Your Tax Deductible Contribution

  • Make a Gift of Stock

  • Employer Contribution-Matching Plan

Please check with your employer to determine if a matching grant opportunity exists. If you would like help with this, please contact caroline@riekes.org

Riekes Center
3455 Edison Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Riekes Center EIN (Tax ID #) 94-3224127

For more information on different ways to donate, or to discuss making a larger contribution, please contact

Caroline McNally at caroline@riekes.org

We welcome donations “In Memory Of” or “In Honor Of” loved ones, Please let us know how you’d like to acknowledge the person your gift honors by using the “Additional Comments” section of our online form or including a note with your mailed check. Donors will always receive a receipt for their gift.