Support the Riekes Center With a Grant From Your Donor-Advised Fund ♥️

Your tax-deductible donation helps us provide everyone the opportunity to pursue their goals in athletic fitness, creative arts, nature awareness, and service to our community regardless of their ability to pay or perform.

Donor-Advised Funds

To give through your donor-advised fund:

1. Please fill out the form linked below to tell us to expect your donation.

2. Contact your Donor-Advised Fund to recommend the grant to The Riekes Center for Human Enhancement. 

3. Consider naming The Riekes Center for Human Enhancement as the account beneficiary to continue your legacy of giving after your lifetime. 

Here is one resource for more information about donor-advised funds:

*No goods or services can be received in exchange for donations made through a donor-advised fund, thus they cannot be used to pay for Rally tickets or auction items or in exchange for use of the Center.

For quick access to the following DAF sponsors: Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon, use the widget below

Donate with your DAF:

The Riekes Center
3455 Edison Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Riekes Center EIN (Tax ID #) :


For more information on different ways to donate, or to discuss making a larger contribution, please contact:

Executive Director Caroline McNally at

If you intend to make a Donor-Advised Fund grant to the Riekes Center, or you already have, please let us know by filling out the form below:

If you are a financial advisor recommending DAF grants, please work with your financial institutions or reach out to us directly by email: